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Commercial Safety: Simple Guidelines on Managing Workplace Fire Hazards

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There are numerous safety concerns in the commercial environment, depending on the type of operation. It is your responsibility as the business owner or manager to ensure that they are mitigated. One of these critical issues that you should evaluate and review regularly in your workplace is fire safety. Small and large fires can cause loss of important business equipment, documents and other resources. Moreover, an employee might sustain an injury, which could lead to legal and financial ramifications for the business. Therefore, you should take reasonable care to ensure that the premises are safe with regard to fire hazards. Here are simple management guidelines to help you get started.

Fire Safety Training

You should engage an expert in workplace safety to provide training of fire safety to your employees regularly. This is critical in ensuring that workers can respond responsibly if a fire emergency arises. There are numerous training firms in the market, so selecting the right one can be challenging. Ensure that your professional is accredited by a fire fighting authority. They should also demonstrate that they will provide a custom teaching plan that is relevant to your specific operation. For example, they should outline all the escape routes from your commercial space and note the hazards. In addition, they should provide reading resources for regular refresher learning.

Installation of Fire Control Devices

You should ensure that fire control devices are installed in your commercial space in case an actual fire occurs. There are different forms of equipment to consider, so your choice will depend on factors like budget, risk factors and local legislation. Fire extinguishers are the most critical devices in the control of small, localised fires, and these are often mandatory for workplace safety. When purchasing this type of product, ensure that it can control your potential fires. For example, a water mist extinguisher cannot suppress an oil fire. Fire blankets can be useful for extinguishing small fires. If a person or stove catches fire, this can be your best option. Additionally, ensure that active smoke detectors are placed strategically around the workplace.

Eliminating Fire Risks

Finally, you should ensure that fire hazards are eliminated or controlled. In simple terms, you should take note of all potential sources of fire and find ways to keep them from actually causing a fire. For example, space heaters are possible hazards, so control usage and ensure that they are not placed near kindling like papers. In addition, smokers should have designated safe spaces for smoking and disposing butts.
